Investigating the Effect of Service Brand Identity on Brand Pride with the Mediating Role of Brand Citizenship Behavior and Brand Commitment (Case Study: Aria and 22-Bahman Hospitals in Mashhad City)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Associate Professor of Management in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,

2 MSc, Faculty of Economics and administrative Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.


Today, understanding how brands can benefit from consequences of performance has become an interesting discipline in brand management. The main issue in this study, is the lack of staff identification with the organization’s brand in the research population. So, the purpose of this study is to examine the role and impact mechanism of service brand identity, on brand pride by the mediating role of brand commitment and brand citizenship behavior. This study is a practical one, and the method of data collection is descriptive survey. 210 from 460 employees of Aria and 22 Bahman hospitals in Mashhad city formed the statistical sample of the research. Data was collected by a questionnaire in the scale of five-point Likert. The reliability and validity were tested by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and content validity factor analysis methods. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling and Amos software were employed. The results have indicated that service brand identity and brand citizenship behavior have a positive and significant impact on brand pride. Furthermore, positive and significant impact of service brand identity on brand commitment and brand commitment on brand citizenship behavior were confirmed. Indirect impacts of service brand identity on brand pride through brand commitment and brand citizenship behavior mediating roles, in this study were also confirmed.


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