The impact of organizational agility and corporate social responsibility on brand image

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2 . Phd Candidate of Business Management, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


This research aims to investigate the role of organizational agility and corporate social responsibility on corporate brand image from customers’ viewpoints. The research statistical population consists of passengers of three selected train companies in Iran, of which 226 individuals were selected by categorized random sampling method. Data gathering were done using Carroll & Shabana’s questionnaire of social responsibility, Zhang & Sharifi’s questionnaire of organizational agility and a researcher-made questionnaire for brand image. The first questionnaire, measured the social responsibility, based on four dimensions of economical, legal, ethical and voluntary. The second questionnaire, measured the organizational agility, based on the dimensions of responsiveness, competency, flexibility and rapidity. The last questionnaire, measured the customers’ mental image of corporate brand, considering the dimensions of brand’s service quality, brand credit and reputation and brand communication quality. To analyze the validly and reliability of the questionnaires, content validly, Cronbach Alpha and confirmative factor analysis methods were used. For analyzing the data and testing the conceptual model of the research, structural equation modeling method with partial least square approach were used with Smart PLS 3 software. The results show the acceptance of the first main hypothesis (the impact of corporate social responsibility on customer brand image), the second main hypothesis (the impact of organizational agility on corporate social responsibility) and the third main hypothesis (the impact of organizational agility on customer brand image) and their sub-hypotheses.


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