Influence of Consumer Brand Relationship on Brand Evangelism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate Student, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran


The purpose of this study is to examine how the consumers’ relationship with a brand, influences brand evangelism, which represents an intense form of brand support behavior. This study investigates the influences of three consumer-brand relational constructs, brand trust and brand identification, on brand evangelism (purchase intentions, positive referrals, and oppositional brand referrals). Data collects through questionnaires from 350 students about their mobile phone brand. Collected data was analyzed regarding to the method: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM); in order to do which, the technique Partial List Squares (PLS) were used. Two hypotheses are disproved and ten hypotheses were confirmed. The findings reveal that consumer-brand relationships influence brand evangelism, albeit in different ways. Whereas brand identification and brand passion influences purchase intentions and oppositional brand referrals and brand intimacy influences positive on all three elements of brand evangelism. It was also found purchase intentions influences on Positive and oppositional brand referrals and positive brand referrals influences on oppositional brand referrals


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