The Effects of Experiential Marketing on Customer Experiential Value through Brand Personality

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Alzahra University

2 Master of Business Administration (Marketing) Al Zahra University


Since the experiential marketing is too new, and due to inadequate studies on it in Iran, this research was to study the impact of experiential marketing on customer experiential value, with the mediating role of brand personality on Ladan (a cooking oil brand) case. Successful companies are using experiential marketing to create unique and memorable experiences for customers and also apply brand personality strategies to shape their customer’s behavior in order to achieve competitive advantage and equity creation. Regarding an unlimited community (Ladan oil consumers) and considering 6% of boundary error, 286 questionnaires distributed among available consumers. SPSS and XLSTAT have been used for data analysis. The results show that the level of experiential marketing, brand personality and customer experiential value variables are above average in consumer minds and both experiential marketing and brand personality have positive impact on customer experiential value. It should also be noted that the experiential marketing has both, direct and indirect (through brand personality) effects on customer experiential value.


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