Studying the Effect of Brand Personality and Perceived Sales Promotion on Brand equity, and the Moderator Role of Ethnicity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Shahid Chamran University

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University

3 Master's degree in executive management, department of science and research in Khuzestan


: Today, brand equity is not only a priority for most of brand owners, but also is appreciated as an appropriate criterion for assessment of marketing activities’ productivity, and thus directing resources towards ones that create brand equity. So the propounded question is that which marketing activities promote brand equity. The current study, which is a causal-descriptive type, wants to investigate the effects of sales promotion and brand personality on brand equity with regard to the moderator role of ethnicity. The research sample is 410 students of Azad university (khoozestan branch) which were selected by using random sampling based on gender. By using a valid and reliable questionnaire, variables of the study (brand equity, sales promotion and brand personality) were measured for two mobile operators (Irancell and Hamrah-e-Aval). According to the results which obtained through structural equations modeling by Smart PLC application, brand personality has a positive impact on brand equity, while sales promotion negatively affects it. Among all dimensions of brand equity, perceived value is the strongest predictor of this construct. The simplicity facet of brand personality is also best predictor of it. The moderator role of ethnicity could not be verified in this study.


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