Identifying and Ranking the Factors Affecting Attitudes Toward Mobile Advertising, Using a Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Industrial Management, Gulf University, Bushehr

2 Master of Business Administration, Gulf University, Bushehr


Mobile phones have provided ubiquitous channel for marketing activities and maintaining relationship with customers. Due to the vast uses of mobile phones, understanding the factors affecting customers’ attitudes towards the use of new advertising tools seems critical. The main objective of this study is, identifying and ranking factors that influence attitudes toward mobile advertising,from experts’ point of view. This ranking can in turn solve some of the problems concerning the attitude toward mobile advertising, and help managers to approach mobile commerce. Since fuzzy theory is more suitable than the logical theory approach to measure verbal variables, this study uses the fuzzy hierarchy analytic process (FAHP) technique to investigate and prioritize factors and components that influence attitudes toward mobile advertising. The findings show that among the factors that influence attitudes toward mobile advertising, the "overall attitude toward advertising", "level of knowledge" and "valuableness" have the greatest importance and "presenting time" and "reference groups" are less important in influencing attitudes towards mobile advertising.


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