Effects of Certainty and Uncertainty on the Choice between a Copycat or Different Brand (Case Study:24-7 Pharmacies’ Customers in Khorram Abad City)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Marketing Management, Assistant Professor, Lorestan University

2 Master of Marketing Management


With purchasing decisions, consumers face varying degrees of uncertainty about the proposed product, such as uncertainty about the quality of the product, when the consumer has no knowledge of existing brand and how it works. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of uncertainty (and certainty) in choosing the copycat or different brand. The population of the study is customers of 24-7 Pharmacies in Khorram abad city of and the sample size estimation is 276, according to Cochran's formula. Ratio test issued to test study hypotheses. The findings indicate that under conditions of certainty, consumers choose the different brand. Under conditions of uncertainty, however, they prefer copycat rather than different brand. 


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