An Inquiry in Farsi Sound Symbolism in Creating Brand Names

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of faculty of business management, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management

2 Member of the faculty of Management Delety, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management

3 Master of Business Administration, Marketing Orientation, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management


Choosing an appropriate name for a new product can help its better recognition, promotion and effective marketing. One way to do so is using sound symbolism. This study has examined some Farsi phonetic symbols, which apply to creating brand names. The study is an applied research from the objective viewpoint and a descriptive survey from the data-gathering viewpoint. Statistical population of it is the students reside in Tehran university dorm (for men), and the sampling method is accidental sampling, a type of non-probability sampling. The results suggest that brand names containing Farsi front vowels "e", "æ" and "i", in contrast with brand names containing Farsi back vowels "o", "u" and "a", are considered as being smaller, lighter (vs. heavier), softer and weaker. It also suggests that brand names containing Farsi back vowels "o", "u" and "a" convey more speed than brand names containing Farsi front vowels "e", "æ" and "i".


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