Identifying Affecting Factors on the Brand Image of the IRIB TV Channels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 State University of Communication and Media, University of Science and Technology

2 Master Degree in Media Management, University of Science and Technology


Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) as a major media organization in order to expedite its policies needs branding to draw audiences attention and also to influence them. This research is devoted to identify factors that affect brand image in the field of television channels. The method that is used in this research is the Delphi method. In the first round, after depth interviews with experts of branding, advertising, marketing and media, and by using qualitative coding, 56 factors are extracted. These factors are classified into three categories which are "Media", Aaudience" and Eenvironment". In the second and thirdround of this research, experts were asked about the impact of these factors on the brand image of TV channels. 47 of these factors earn consensus of more than 60 percent of the experts. Finally, "Layered Circularmodel" of the factors which affect the band image of IRIB TV channels has been presented. 


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