Investigating the Relationship between VALS Lifestyles with Loyalty to Products’ Brand with Advanced Technology using Anandan et al. Model (Case Study: Samsung brand in Digital Media Industry)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic member of Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Master of Business Administration - Marketing Leadership - Non-Profit Higher Education Institute of Maulana-Abyk

3 Master of Business Administration - International Business Leadership - Non-Profit Higher Education Institute of Ershad Damavand-Tehran 3


The puerpose of this paper is toinvestigate the relationship between VALS[1] life styles with loyalty to products’ brand with advanced technology. According tobeing unlimited thepopulation, we selected385 people by Cochran formula. But the questionnaire distribution was increased till 530 ones due to the aim of researcher was covering all VALS life styles. Structural equations have been usedfor testing the hypotheses. The research findings showed that among 8 life styles, there is positive and significant relationship between life styles of “successful persons”, “thinkers”, “believers” and “experiencers” with loyalty to products’ brand with advanced technology.but, there is not a positive and significant relationship between life styles of “innovators”, “constructors”, “strugglers” and “survivors” with loyalty to products brand with advanced technology.

[1]VALS life style classification scheme is one of common methods for consumer psychographic. This scheme was created by Stanford research institute and has been used widely for classifying market and creating propagation and product strategy by American companies (Afjeh and BakhshizadehBorj, 2011).  

Investigating the relationship between VALS lifestyles with loyalty to products’ brand with advanced technology using Anandan et al. model (Case Study: Samsung brand in digital media industry)
Kora BakhshizadehBorj[1]
Mohammad TaghiGhorbaniFarab[3]
The puerpose of this paper is toinvestigate the relationship between VALS[4] life styles with loyalty to products’ brand with advanced technology. According tobeing unlimited thepopulation, we selected385 people by Cochran formula. But the questionnaire distribution was increased till 530 ones due to the aim of researcher was covering all VALS life styles. Structural equations have been usedfor testing the hypotheses. The research findings showed that among 8 life styles, there is positive and significant relationship between life styles of “successful persons”, “thinkers”, “believers” and “experiencers” with loyalty to products’ brand with advanced technology.but, there is not a positive and significant relationship between life styles of “innovators”, “constructors”, “strugglers” and “survivors” with loyalty to products brand with advanced technology.
Keywords: VALS life style, loyalty to brand, products with advanced technology.

[1] Faculty member of AllamehTabatabaei University

[2] Master’s Degree in the field of Commercial Management- Marketing, Molana non-profit institute- Abyek, responsible author

[3] Master’s Degree in the field of Commercial Management- International Marketing, Ershad non-profit institute of Damavand- Tehran

[4]VALS life style classification scheme is one of common methods for consumer psychographic. This scheme was created by Stanford research institute and has been used widely for classifying market and creating propagation and product strategy by American companies (Afjeh and BakhshizadehBorj, 2011).  


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