Investigation of Key Antecedents and Consequences of the Brand Love Mobile Phone's Buyers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Tehran University

2 Member of the faculty member of the MBA Department of the University of Tehran

3 Master's degree in Business Administration, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran


This study aims to investigate key antecedents and consequences of the brand love mobile phone buyers. In this article, keeping in mind the importance of consumer relation with brand, we have examined antecedents and consequences of brand love. The population of the study includes mobile phone buyers of Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nokia, HTC, LG, LG DIMO and GLX brands in Tehran and is based on a random sample with 379 members. A questionnaire was used as a data collecting tool. Data analysis has been done with structural equation modeling techniques by using Smart-PLS application. The results suggest that surrealistic feelings of buyer, brand image and self-identification with brand, are the antecedents of the brand love mobile phone customers. Also, loyalty, jealousy toward brand owners, active engagement of buyers, and positive word of mouth advertising and willing to pay more are consequences of brand love  of mobile phone buyers.


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