An Investigation into the Effects of Self-Definition of Consumers on Their Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty with Regards to the Mediating Role of Consumer Identification through Brand (Case Study: Mashhad Leather Company)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author, Associate Professor at Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Master of Business Administration at Tarbiat Modares University

3 Master of Business Administration, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,

4 Master of Business Administration at Allameh Tabatabaee University


One of the most important issues which brand managers are faced with is how to provide and develop a better understanding of the relationship between brand and customer loyalty constructs. The social value of brand and fulfilment of the inter-personal goals of the consumer would enable brands to urge consumers to use brands’ characteristics in expressing their own identities. This can lead to customer loyalty. We have used a descriptive-survey 20-item questionnaire for data collection. The questionnaire was distributed among 227 customers of Mashhad Leather Company. The findings suggest a positive impact of self-definition needs of consumers on their loyalty through the mediation effect of consumer's identification by brand. Furthermore, they indicate that if a brand identity has characteristics which can fulfill the self-definition needs of the consumers, it would make the consumers consider the brand attractive and they would use it in defining their identity which, eventually, leads to providing venue for their loyalty.


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