Designing the Entrepreneurial Branding Processing Model in Small and Medium Sized Business in Food Industry


1 Associate Professor of Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Ph.D. student of entrepreneurship management, University of Tehran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran


Entrepreneurial branding in entrepreneurial small and medium sized firms is one of the important enablers which provide them sustainability in the market environment. So the purpose of the this study is to design the entrepreneurial branding process model in small and medium sized busine-sses in Iran`s food industry. This study applies mixed method including quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research method in the qualitative part is case study and in quantitative part it is descriptive survey method. The sample in qualitative part consists of 12 persons that include prominent entrepreneurs of food industry in 2008-2009 and experts in the field of entrepreneurship, and in quantitative one there are 45 prominent entrepreneurs in the years mentioned above. The data collection tool in qualitative stage is deep and semi-structured interviews and in the quantitative one is the questionnaire which has good validity and the reliability coefficients of 85%. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis method, and one sample T-test, regression and Freidman methods were used for analyzing the quantitative data. The result shows that entrepreneurial brand processing model in the small and medium sized businesses consists of five stages which includes brand analyzing and evaluating, choosing a name and brand identity, brand positioning in the market, choosing a branding strategy and maintaining brand position between market and customers. This Article is Under Support of Iran National Science Foundation: INSF.
