Investigating the effect of self-leadership and role identity on brand citizenship behavior with an emphasis on brand knowledge, commitment and trust in the hotel industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Business Management, Shahed University

2 Master's student in Business Administration, Ghiyasuddin Jamshid Kashani University

3 PhD student of Industrial Management, Yazd University



Brand citizenship behavior shows that organizations need employees' voluntary behavior as well as their job responsibilities. Managers should present a positive message of their brand image to customers, which can be achieved through internal branding. Brand citizenship behavior requires the joint effort of marketing and human resource management during the time spent on branding. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of self-leadership and role identity on brand citizenship behavior with an emphasis on brand knowledge, commitment and trust. The statistical population of the research consists of employees of three and four-star hotels in Tehran, which was determined by using Cochran's formula to the number of 384 people. In this research, systematic random sampling method was used. Convergent validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was checked with the help of Smart pls 3 statistical analysis software and the value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was greater than 0.7, which indicates its acceptable reliability. In order to analyze the data, confirmatory factor analysis tests, average variance and partial least squares were used. The research results indicate that leadership itself has a significant impact on brand knowledge and role identity. It was also found that role identity has a significant effect on brand commitment. Brand knowledge also has a significant effect on brand commitment. Finally, it was found that brand commitment has a significant effect on brand trust and citizenship behavior. Also, brand trust has a significant effect on citizenship behavior.


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