Brand Personality Quality; From Vivid Brand Personality to Brand Personality Disorder

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Administration Department, Management and Economics Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Business Administration Department, Management and Economics Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Business Administration Department, Management and Economics Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Psychology Department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Since the Aaker brand personality model development in 1997, which was inspired by multi-factor models of human personality in psychology, a lot has been done to build value on that; however, little done to apply the other extant human personality-related concepts in psychology and psychiatry to brand personality. In this research, with the aim of developing the concept of brand personality quality (BPQ), using thematic analysis method, we applied related concepts in psychology and psychiatry. Our analysis resulted in 289 extracts out of 14 in-depth interviews with brand personality experts and other sources. Based on the results, we defined 8 BPQ conditions/classes (themes), 10 BPQ sub-conditions (sub-themes) and 230 features of BPQ conditions (codes). The final 8 BPQ conditions/classes are: positive; negative; two-sided; vivid; and pale brand personality; brand with no personality; brand personality difficulty; and brand personality disorder. The presented BPQ conditions/classes give practitioners a good view of their brand personality to improve or protect their brand personality. Furthermore, BPQ concept can be a basis for future studies. 


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