Investigating the Characteristics of Brands Influencing the Generation of Electronic Word-of-Mouth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Business Administration،Faculty of Human sciences،Payame Noor University،Tehran، Iran.

2 PhD Candidate in Marketing Management, Faculty of Human Sciences،Payame Noor University،Tehran، Iran.


Word-of-mouth is one the most significant factors that affect consumers’ purchase decisions and behavior in various domains. Indeed, the products and services’ brands which are the core elements of marketing activities play a crucial role in generating word-of-mouth, particularly in the context of social media and networks. There is still lack of research investigating the characteristics of Iranian brands that result in electronic word-of-mouth. Thus, to fill this gap, this study aimed to identify the characteristics of well-known Iranian brands that generate positive electronic word-of-mouth in social media. This empirical qualitative study utilized applied thematic analysis to study 38 Instagram posts and all the related comments about Iranian brands and analyzed 689 pertinent coded segments. The results reveal that there are 15 key brand attributes which are classified as social, emotional, and functional attributes and these characteristics notably influence the generation of positive electronic word-of-mouth about the brands. Accordingly, brand managers are able to employ these attributes and solutions to develop successful brands and, in turn, benefit from increased brand reputation and higher levels of sales and profitability.


Main Subjects

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