Identifying the Key Factors in Promoting Leadership Brand Using Fuzzy Delphi Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor،Department of management, Lorestan University،Khorra mabad،Iran،mousavi

2 Assistant Professor،Department of Business Management, Lorestan University، Khorramabad،Iran

3 Graduate of Business Administration Electronic Commerce, Faculty of Innovators, Malayer Azad University, Iran


In today's business world, there are organizations and companies that owe their reputation to the names and brands of their managers and leaders. In fact, the managers and leaders of these companies in the field of their businesses, use special methods to manage the companies, which have turned their leadership style into a brand. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the key factors in promoting leadership brand. This research is a mixed method, based on qualitative and quantitative and inductive- deductive research. It is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the study are experts among which the sample members were selected using purposive sampling method based on the principle of theoretical adequacy. The data collection tool was interview in the qualitative part and questionnaire in the quantitative part. The validity and reliability were confirmed by using the relative content validity index and Cohen's kappa test and the content validity and reliability were retested, respectively. Qualitative data were analyzed by Atlas software and coding method and quantitative data were analyzed by fuzzy Delphi method. The results of the research include identifying the most important factors in promoting the leadership brand and determining their priorities. The results showed that the most important factors in promoting leadership brand are leadership capital, strategic thinking, problem solving skills, lateral and creative thinking, comprehension skills of organizational issues and leadership emotional intelligence.


Main Subjects

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