Perceptual Network Mapping of Hamraheh Aval by Brand Concept Map

Document Type : Research Paper




 Corporate brand is one of the most important assets of any company. Nowadays, companies allocate huge budgets for their brand development. Any company requires information such as brand image and brand identity development of brand strategy. Brand concept mapping is one of the best tools for brand image extraction. In this research, the purpose of the researcher was to extract brand concept map for the mobile company (Hamrahe Aval) for this purpose, data collected by interviews, the interviews was carried out from 92 Hamrahe Aval audiences of which 77 were customers and 15 were non-customers. The Audiences have identified associations such as a reputable brand, a prestigious brand, the excellent service and a strong social presence for the brand, reflecting the positive image of the brand in the audiences' mind. The only negative associations with the brand were concepts such as the imitator brand and text messaging.


Main Subjects

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