Designing Customer Brand Engagement Model in Social Networks Highlighting Antecedents and Consequences Using Meta-Synthesis Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 International Marketing Ph،D،Student, Alzahra University,

2 Associate Professor،Alzahra University

3 Associate Professor, Alzahra University


In recent years, customers rely on social networks to choose brands and make buying decisions and actively connect and engage with brands on social networks. They share their information and experiences about products and services of brands with other customers through social networks. Therefore, the emergence of social networks and their ability to engage customers much better than before, has made marketing researchers and professionals to seize this opportunity via realizing customer engagement concept and taking advantage of social networks. Hence, the purpose of this study is to present antecedents and consequences of customer brand engagement in social networks through a model. In this study, the results and findings of previous studies have analyzed by means of Meta-Synthesis approach through seven known steps of method, and found 24 variables as antecedents and consequences of the customer brand engagement model in social networks. The variables were divided into two groups; one as antecedents containing 4 concepts and the other as consequences including 2 concepts. After that, the validity and reliability of the obtained model was evaluated and then final model was presented. The findings of this study provides valuable insights into the antecedents and consequences of customer brand engagement in social networks for academic researchers and also creates value for organizations and brands.


Main Subjects

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