Ranking of Iranian Industries in Terms of their Importance in Nation Branding and their Roles in Promoting it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 university of tehran- farabi college

3 Phd Student in Technology Management, University of Tehran, Farabi Branch


Todays we are faced with a phenomenon called "Brand of Nations". The industry sector is one of the most important and influential sector in the nation's brand development. The quality and unique characteristics of products and services that a country exports, affect the public opinion of those countries. Althogh in Iran, the industry sector faces many problems and challenges, this issue will never diminish the importance of industry sector and its role in nation branding of iran. Accordingly, in this research the Iranian industries in terms of their importance in nation brand ranked and their roles in promoting it investigated. For this purpose, the Vikor method used to rank industries and through interpretive structural modeling the relationships between effective components explained. The results of industry ranling show that Tourism industry has the most effect on nation branding of Iran. Then, medical-pharmaceutical industry is located in the second rank, Dietary- Drink and Mining industry industry in the third rank, Automotive industry and Oil-Gas and Petrochemical industry in the fourth rank and finnaly Electric-Power industry and Textile-Garment industry in the fifth (last) rank. In the interpretative structural modeling stage, the results show that the component of "productivity in production" acts at the lowest level, the fifth level. The components of "production of high-quality products" and "innovative products" are on the fourth level. At the third level, the components include "production of competitive products" and "environmental issues". The two components of "Promotion of National Brands" and "Branded Exports", are also in the second level and act as the touch point for the industry and the image of the nation (level one).


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