Mental Models of foreign kitchen appliances buyers using Q methodology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Management. Faculty of Humanities. Islamic Azad University.Bojnourd Branch, , Bojnourd, Iran.

2 Islamic Azad University, Bojnord Branch.


The recent growth of globalization and the expansion of international trade has led many companies to discover opportunities to distribute their products around the world. Currently, examining what is going to affect consumers' intention to buy foreign products is a major issue in the global marketplace. therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the Mental Models (different mindset) and the ideas of foreign kitchen buyers using the Q method. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is an exploratory mixed method type using Q methodology. The participants in this study are 25 married women with at least bachelor's degree, who were selected by Purposive sampling method.Afterwards, the information was analyzed using Q-factor analysis. The findings of this study showed that fourdifferent mental models can be identified among the research participants regarding the purchase of foreign kitchen appliances, which explained 71% of the total variance of the opinions. Four mentalities including Quality-based mentality, Brand-based mentality, Function-based mentality and Racist-based mentality resulted in the interpretation of the outcomes and the importance and prioritization of identified factors was explained based on mental models.Finally, guidelines for the use of these factors have been suggested.


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