Articulating Dynamics of Competitive Behavior Based on Marketing Mix Case study: Banking industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 alzahra university

2 alzahra


Competition analysis is one of the requirements for developing a marketing strategy and is the essence of competitiveness is dynamism. Competitive dynamics describes the intensity of actions and reactions of organizations which participate in a competitive business environment. The purpose of this research is to explain the dynamics of competitive behavior based on the marketing mix in the banking industry in Iran during a period from 2014 to the end of November 2018. In order to achieve the goal of the study, mixed approach has been employed. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews and survey have been used and in quantitative phase, content analysis is employed to collect and analyze data. The selected banks have 3 characteristics: they are public company (are accepted in stock market), have a high market share, and are considered competing for customers. According to research results, the banks compete on the basis of introduction of products and services updates, promotion, channels and institutional partnerships. In addition, it became clear that the priority of adopting these strategies is different in relation to the critical and non-environmental conditions of the environment
