The Effects of Green Export Marketing Strategy on Creating Green Brand Image Case Study: Iran’s Saffron Industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Management Dept. Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD student of Management Dept. Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


This study aims to investigate one of the most important challenges of Iran's Saffron export: Brand weakness. In this regard, the study uses a systematic review and theme analysis to identify important dimensions of green capabilities. There is no doubt that green brand establishment is a powerful advantage for agricultural firms. To catch this advantage, exporters need to concentrate on organic products, create a positive green mindset among top managers, build an environmental considering in public peoples' concerns toward green issues and create a green culture in their organizations. To do this, we design a questionnaire and collect data through 149 questionnaires which is analyzed by PLS software and structural Equation Modeling. The results show that export marketing strategy adaptation with green capabilities can create green brand image. However, it was not the same for the relationship between export marketing strategy and green culture. These results can provide some guidelines for agricultural sector actors to investigate in Organic products and develop environment-informed human resources. It is proved that for having a strong export marketing strategy, exporters and strategists should focus on green capability dimensions. Finally, research limitation and contributions are described.


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