Identifying Antecedents of Original Branded Production Policy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 management department, faculty of human science, qom, iran

2 University of Kashan

3 Masters student, Business Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hazrat-e- Masoumeh , Qom , Iran


The present study tries to identify antecedents of branded production, focusing on shoe, slipper and plastic manufacturing companies in Qom province. Under branded production, a company which its manufacturing capacity could not meet market demand, can supply part of its products through outsourcing or subcontracting. This study's methods are applied ones in terms of results, explorative in terms of purpose, and qualitative in terms of data. The population of the research was executives in shoe, slipper and plastic companies in Qom province and sampling continued till the theoretical saturation. So, 20 executives were selected by convenience judgmental sampling method.  Data was obtained through interviewing twenty senior executives as well as field observations and review of previous studies and available documents and news. The instrument for obtaining data was interview and literature review. In data analysis, we used theme analysis method to identify antecedents and Shannon entropy for factor ranking. Research findings are introduced in three categories: factors influencing renowned brands' sell; factors creating vacant capacity; and the cause of executives’ reluctance towards branded production policy.


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