The Impact of Customers’ Emotional Attachment on Brand Equity with an Emphasis on the Mediating Role of Brand Relationship Quality and Brand Citizenship Behavior in Industrial Market

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Management


Despite the importance of brand management, limited empirical work has focused
on branding in business-to-business (B2B) exchanges. This study shows that organizations through deep emotional ties with customers can improve brand equity in
industrial markets. The study aims to investigate the relationship between customer
emotional attachments to brand with brand equity. In this regard, the mediating role
of brand relationship quality and brand citizenship behavior is emphasized. The research is implemented with an applied and descriptive method. The population is IT
industry and data is collected through questionnaires. Structural equation modeling
and confirmatory factor analysis is used in order to analyze the data through LISREL
software. The results show that consumer’s emotional attachment increases brand
relationship quality and organizations can enhance their brand citizenship behavior
.and brand equity by improving brand relationship quality


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