Identification of the Influencing Factors Creating Green Brand Image among Customers of Iranian-manufactured Automobiles in Shiraz


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of the Persian Gulf, Department of Economics, MBA, Corresponding Author

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of the Persian Gulf, Economic University

3 Master of Business Administration, Gulf University, University of Economic Sciences


Environmental issues have important around the world. The purpose of this research was to study the factors affecting green brand image in the minds of customers. This study is a descriptive -survey research. car owners of the city of Shiraz are The population this research. 323 questionnaires were distributed to test the research hypotheses. Data collected were analyzed by the software AMOS. Data Analysis Results of the study confirmed positive and significant relation between the green brand. association and the green brand satisfaction brand with green brand image. According to the findings of the study, green brand association toward green brand satisfaction, has greater impact on the forming green brand image in the minds of customers. Also a significant positive correlation between green brand attitudes and green brand association are confirmed . Based on the results , a significant positive relationship is between environmental concerns and green brand attitude . According to the findings of the study of the relationship between green knowledge and green brand attitude dose not confirm. The new hypothesis, the relationship between environmental knowledge and environmental concerns were confirmed. Also, the environmental concerns has effect on forming green brand image in the minds of the customers.
