Determinants of Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Counterfeit Luxury Brands in Tehran


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management

2 Master of Business Administration, University of Tehran, Faculty of Management

3 PhD student of management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, responsible author


Counterfeiting is one of the oldest crimes in the history and today it is known as a big economical, social, and political problem all over the world. This paper identifies the factors that drive consumers to purchase counterfeit luxury brands. After reviewing the literature, we found six main factors that influence consumers’ attitude to purchase counterfeit luxury brands. This study was done in Tehran and Multistage sampling method and Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the data. The results of the study show that the implications of price-quality, ethical issues, product-related characteristics, and personal characteristics influence on consumers’ attitudes to purchase counterfeited luxury brands. Also findings showed that when consumers feel it is ethical to buy counterfeit products, they buy counterfeit goods easier.
