Effects of Consumer and Brand Personality Congruency on Consumers’ Trust and Attachment to the Brand: Moderating Role of Product Involvement


1 Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Corresponding Author

2 Master of Business Administration - Marketing Orientation, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Faculty of Management and Accounting


The aim of this research is examining the effect of consumer and brand personality congruency on consumer’s trust and attachment to the brand and this examination will be conducted in relation to two different groups of products i.e. prestige goods and consumer goods. At the end, results of these two groups will be compared to each other. Thus, the research community has consisted of two groups. The first group is buyers and owners of Lexus brand cars who refer to sales department and after-sales services of this brand in Tehran city. The second group is consumers of Red Bull energy drink who refer to chain stores of Tehran city for buying this drink. The main tools for collecting data in order to testing research hypotheses are questionnaires with 59 questions. The questionnaires were distributed among 300 persons and completed through direct reference and self-report. Research hypotheses test was performed via linear regression method and correlation coefficient comparison test of two common variables in two independent samples was accomplished through SPSS and FZT soft wares. Results represented that consumer and brand personality congruency has a positive effect on consumer’s trust (β=0/479; t=9/43) and attachment (β=0/590; t=12/60) to the brand. In addition, results indicated that the influence of consumer and brand personality congruency on trust in prestige goods is more than consumer goods, while there was no significant difference about the influence of consumer and brand personality congruency on attachment between prestige and consumer goods.
