Identification and Evaluation of the Key Factors Pattern of Trademark Recreation at Company Level

Document Type : Research Paper


1 professor of business administration,shahid beheshty university

2 Islamic Azad university,Roudehen Branch,Tehran,Iran

3 Assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities,Islamic Azad University,Firoozkooh Branch


Trademark functions and their impact on sales are increasingly expanding. Trademark regeneration falls into the domain of sophisticated marketing strategies and if it is not accompanied by strategic environmental scrutiny it is likely to damage the brand equity. This article has been conducted to identify, evaluate and design a key brand regeneration pattern at the company level using a qualitative method. The sample consisted of 17 experts from four food industries and four universities. Sample size was determined according to the theoretical saturation approach. Interviews were conducted with a six-question protocol and they are coded into relevant concepts. At the later stage, initial categories were classified with higher abstraction, and finally the commonality existing among initial categories resulted in the creation of main categories. The results,according to the suggested model, showed that "market positioning, new brand assessment and new identification" as a core category based on conditions of "preparedness for trademark change and organizational support" through strategies of "creating prospects and policies of macroenvironment and effective advertising"by considering "the allocation of resources for reconstruction and creating the special value of a trademark" will lead to the realization of the consequences of creating a new brand, the company's growth and development, and increased profitability.


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